Team Sports Photography & Referral Program

Team Sports Photography

Capturing the moment in time of our children participating in a sport or activity is a special way to remember those experiences as the years go by.  If you are a coach, director, team manager or parent who would like to have your child, team, league’s photos taken, we can do it.

Scheduling is dependant on availability and the team/league’s needs.


1.  The easiest and most cost effective is a “Picture Day” where all the teams of a given league have an assigned time.  We have done this several times and can give you ideas about how to make this go as well as possible.

2.  One picture day for a whole organization is not always possible and we are able to meet with teams on game days (preferably before the game/event starts) to get a team and individual photos.

There are many scenarios that can happen, but we will work with you to get what you and parents/athletes what they need.

(contact form at bottom of page)

Why Merski Photography?

– We are a local, agile and accessible company.
– Custom borders created for each league upon request.  ( Ex: Home plate of league field, hockey net of home ice, baseball on baseline, skyline of hometown/city)
– We don’t overbook and keep our team photography schedule open enough to accomodate weather and other variables.
– Great customer service.
– Primary photographer is a P.E./Health teacher and works with kids regularly.
– Leagues that hire for multiple teams receive benefits.

Small Sample of Work:


Referral Program

If you refer a sports team or league to Merski Photography and it results in a photography day for the team or organization then you can earn a free print package for your athlete and possibly cash!

This is how it works: If you refer a team to Merski Photography that results in a “picture” day of team and individual orders, you will receive a reward. This is to be paid out upon completion of the processing of the order which may be up to 3 or 4 weeks after the event.

Here are the following tiers:

  1. Size of team(s): 10 (Ten athletes/families that order at least TEN separate print packages)*
    Reward: Free print package value of up to $29
  2. Size of team(s): 50 (Fifty athletes/families that order at least FIFTY separate print packages)*
    Reward: Free print package value of up to $49 + $50 CASH
  3. Size of team(s): 100 (One hundred athletes/families that order at least ONE HUNDRED separate print packages)*
    Reward: Free print package value of up to $49 + $100 CASH
  4. Size of team(s): 150 (One hundred fifty athletes/families that order at least ONE HUNDRED FIFTY separate print packages)*
    Reward: Free print package value of up to $49 + $250 CASH

*Rewards will be paid upon completion of the processing of packages which typically run 3-4 weeks after the last picture day is complete.   A “Print Package” is considered one of the 3 or 4 primary prints packages offered during picture day.  This does not include orders of individual prints UNLESS the order of individual prints totals over $30.

The Print Package reward must be TAKEN & ORDERED for your athlete (who must be a part of the same picture event) on the same day of when pictures are taken.  Cash reward will be paid by check from Merski Photography.  If no print package is selected the monetary reward will remain the same if applicable.

All rewards/compensation are a one-time event only.

Merski Photography reserves the right to turn down any referral due to any reason.  The Referal Program only applies to COMPLETED jobs.

Contact Us: